Saturday, May 7, 2011


semester lepas punya la bersemangat nk amik mandarin
aku pk kononnya byk la benefit nya klo belajar subjek ni
bak org kata : dunia perniagaan sekarang di kuasai oleh kaum cina

selain itu,
aku amik sbb senang nk fhm kawan2 aku bercakap + tak payah tgk subtitle time tgk citer cina
ble masuk sem.. aku pun daftar
awal nya nk amik sbg YW atau EL (dimana gred subjek ini akan diambil kira dalam CGPA)..
pastu pk2 blk..ishhh...sem akhir ni mesti aku sibuk dgn thesis aku..
so aku pun daftar sbg AUT (dimana gred subjek ini TIDAK akan diambil kira dalam CGPA)
klo tak amik kira tak perlu la aku tungkus lumus..sekadar lulus sudah..huhuh

ble dah masuk pertengahan sem aku mula give up..
seriously tak larat nk carry..homework punya byk giler.test pun byk (ada 4 test), buat drama lagi..perhh..
byk masa siot abiskan kat subjek ni (selain thesis)

so..aku plan nk drop..
peduli r kene byr RM50 tu..
rela aku byr dari terseksa belajar subjek ni
tut2...tempoh utk drop subjek dah tamat!!!! aduuuuuu...rosak plan..hancus semangatku

so..aku pun teruskan laa
aku pk positif je..
tak pe laa..
bukannya gred subjek ni effect CGPA aku...

sok aku akan duduk final exam.
tiba2 2 ari lepas tergerak ati nk tgk nalik slip pendaftaran kursus aku
rupa2nya aku daftar subjek ni sbg di luar kokurikulum (DK)
aku pun contact pej fakulti n akademik upm utk mendapat confirmation adakah status DK ni akan diambil kira atau tak dlm result aku
terkejut beruk aku bila dia kata DIAMBIL KIRA..

waaaaaaaaaaaa.....aku tak ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
carry mark 38.1 per 60 jer.. 
aku ngat tak amik kira
tak study pun..
arini (*sehari sebelum exam) baru nk study...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...runsing..kecewa,bosan n macam2 perasaan -ve sekarang!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

a true story i've read somewhere and want to share

Brothers and sisters in Islam,

Several years ago, an Imam from out-of-state accepted a call to a Mosque in Houston , Texas .
Some weeks after he arrived, he had an occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change.
As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, 'You'd better give the quarter back. It would be
wrong to keep it.' Then he thought, 'Oh, forget it,

it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it.

Accept it as a 'gift from ALLAH' and keep quiet.'

When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the quarter to the driver and said, 'Here, you gave me too much change '

The driver, with a smile, replied, 'Aren't you the new Imam in town?'

'Yes' he replied.

'Well, I have been thinking a lot lately about going somewhere to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change.

I'll see you at the mosque.'

When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said,

'Oh ALLAH, I almost sold you for a quarter.'

Our lives are the only Quran some people will ever read. This is a really scary example of how much people watch us as Muslims, and will put us to the test! Always be on guard -- and remember -- You carry your IMAN on your shoulders when you call yourself


Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder.

So, I chose to forward it to you - my friend.

May ALLAH bless you; I hope you had a wonderful day!

If you don't pass this on to anybody, nothing

will happen; but, if you do, you will have

ministered to someone who needs encouragement,

support, warmth and love of our religion.